ITKI – International Traditional Knowledge Institute
ITKI’s mission is to create an international network to study, promote and protect traditional knowledge and its innovative
use to improve ecological integrity, social cohesion and economic wellbeing

ITKI Organization Chart
ITKI – International Traditional Knowledge Institute- was founded on the occasion of the International Conference on Traditional Knowledge and Living Heritage held in Florence from 10 to 12 July 2009, coordinated by the Maria Nobrega Foundation and by Ipogea under the patronage of the Italian Ministry of the Environment, the Region of Tuscany, the City of Florence, the City of Bagno a Ripoli and the Presidency of the Association of UNESCO Heritage Cities and Sites in Italy.
ITKI International Traditional Knowledge Institute was founded on the occasion of the International Conference on Traditional Knowledge and Living Heritage held in Florence from 10 to 12 July 2009, coordinated by the Maria Nobrega Foundation and by Ipogea under the patronage of the Italian Ministry of the Environment, the Region of Tuscany, the City of Florence, the City of Bagno a Ripoli and the Presidency of the Association of UNESCO Heritage Cities and Sites in Italy.
The Founding member was:
The Maria Nobrega Foundation, UK
Fondazione Paolo del Bianco
The International President of ITKI is Elizabeth Nobrega de Araujo Tsakiroglou
The President is Pietro Laureano
The Boarding of director is formed by the International President, the President, and The founding member
ITKI has a legal statute as a no profit public/private association registered in Florence Italy.
The central head office is in Florence, with Pietro Laureano as President.
The main task of ITKI is to realize the inventory, the study and the innovative use of the traditional knowledge, organized in a wiki-like system on the internet The ethical principles are the no profit and the free access to every kind of information according to the logic of common rights.
In every country is possible to create ITKI chapters, the International President coordinates the activity of the chapters.
Chapters have great autonomy of creating their no profit juridical statute more consonant with the local situation. They can perform activities in complete autonomy in the limits of the general ethical principles.
Chapters can open a web site utilizing the ITKI logo plus the extension of the country ( ITKI…..) In the website must be indicated that this is a chapter of International ITKI and the central ITKI with
the relatives name of the International President and the President. Chapters can act in autonomy in their country and in others. The activities performed with international organisms and in other countries must be shared with the International President and the President.
Each chapter is an independent body and concerned of finding the funds for their own activities. Depending on the local situation, the center can work to make several connections with UNESCO. To become a UNESCO center of category 2, to promote locally the UNESCO inscriptions, to promote the UNESCO professorships, etc.
All of this is left in complete autonomy to the decision and to the possibilities of every situation.
About the ITKI governance see the Governing Documents: Chapter Agreement, Constitution, Statute.
The Institute mission is the data bank of the traditional techniques and sustainable technologies, ( promoted by UNESCO and ideate by Pietro Laureano with the Iconographic Traditional Technologies and Innovative System, SITTI, portal and a certification system for solutions, good practices, and quality businesses involved in the safeguard of landscapes, ecosystems, and cultural heritage.
The Maria Nobrega Foundation
The Maria Nobrega Foundation is a Founding Member of The International Traditional Knowledge Institute (ITKI) and The Traditional Knowledge World Bank (TKWB).
The Maria Nobrega Foundation was established as a Charitable Trust with the Charity Commission in 2003. It is privately funded. It works internationally on a range of projects, which encompass the aim of promoting architectural heritage restoration, sustainable regeneration and the preservation of cultural heritage.
Sra Elizabeth Nobrega de Araujo Tsakiroglou
Actually is the international president of ITKI
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